I started More Than Mindful in 2015 as a way to give back to the community some of the fruits of my lifelong study of self-realization, self-actualization, nonduality, mindfulness, and meditation. Since that time, I’ve offered dozens of mindfulness class series and intensives at six different branches of the Pima County Public Library, and an ongoing weekly private class series at Splendido at Rancho Vistoso, an adult living community.
To my studies in mindfulness and meditation, I may as well add music (my great love), art, literature, and film, because without them my life would be only half-full. I don’t teach music and art, but I do encourage clients to discover some form of beauty that truly tugs at their heartstrings. It can even be soap operas! Or walks in nature. It doesn’t matter. As long as it opens your heart, and you know it, you’ll have the essential balance of head and heart, of knowing and loving.
During my teenage years, I became convinced there was more to life than was readily apparent on the surface. My first encounters with the idea of self-realization confirmed this, when I read books such as The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are, by Alan Watts, The Master Game, by Robert S. de Ropp, and Remember, Be Here Now, by Ram Dass.
In 1975 I met my first nonduality teacher, the remarkable Kenneth G. Mills. He was a concert pianist and piano teacher (remember, my great love is music) who had begun speaking to small groups about his experiences of self-realization. Studying with him gave me first-hand knowledge that life is deeper, more beautiful, and far more wondrous than ordinary education had lead me to believe.
Over the years I’ve studied and practiced various kinds of nonduality teachings, including Zen Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta. And I’ve practiced several types of meditation: TM (transcendental meditation), zazen, vipassana, metta, and mindfulness meditation.
What do all of these have to do with More Than Mindful? After all, what I offer here is completely secular. It’s not faith-based in the slightest, and it doesn’t conflict with any religious belief. It’s simply a set of techniques and practices that can increase your joy, focus, ease of living, equanimity, peace of mind, and more. (See Benefits of Mindfulness and Science of Mindfulness for more.)
Well, it turns out that you don’t have to be a serious spiritual aspirant, you don’t have to yearn for self-realization, you don’t have to want to sit at the feet of a guru, you don’t have to be anyone out of the ordinary to engage and benefit from these practices and techniques I’ve learned. They’re for everyone.
Who doesn’t want to feel more focused and emotionally stable in their life? Who doesn’t want greater peace of mind? Who doesn’t want to be more loving and joyful?
I can teach you and coach you on applying these in your life and enjoying the benefits. Head over to the Services page or the FAQs for details.
Thanks for reading!
Meditation Training
- Transcendental Meditation (TM), 1973
- Soto style Zazen, 1975 –
- Mindfulness Meditation (MBSR), 2014 – 2016
- Kashmir Yoga, 2014 – 2017
- Awareness Meditation, 2015 – 2017
Consciousness and Nonduality
- Intensive workshops with Kenneth Mills, 1975 – 1995
- Online study groups, 2012 – 2019
Coaching and Guiding Experience
- Online guide and mentor, Liberation Unleashed, 2013 – 2016
- Life Coach, 2015 – 2018
- Mindfulness teacher, Pima County Public Library (multiple branches), 2016 – 2019
- Mindfulness teacher, Splendido at Rancho Vistoso, 2017 – 2022