Benefits of Mindfulness

Explore-Our-Options-81891941-crop-400What are some of the benefits others have experienced when practicing mindfulness?

  • Relaxation from stress and tension.
  • Greater poise in dealing with life’s difficulties.
  • More ease in the face of chronic pain.
  • Relief from obsessive thinking and bad moods.
  • More harmony and love in personal relationships.
  • Increased ability to focus on the task at hand.
  • Greater freedom and creativity.
  • A deep sense of inner balance and repose.

All these factors have been measured scientifically and found to benefit from mindfulness-based practices. See theĀ Science of Mindfulness page for details.

Steve DiamondNote from Steve:

My new mindfulness book, The Relaxation Solution, was published in June, 2022.

Click to visit my writer's site for more information.