Mindfulness-Based Wellness 8-week Class

When: To be determined Where: The Studio, 4648 E. Speedway Blvd., Tucson, Arizona 85712 Contact: Steve Diamond Contact Email: steve@morethanmindful.com Contact Phone: (520) 762-6765 Open Spots: 12

Two-Hour Sessions with Guided Meditation and Discussion

This course includes much of the standard 8-week mindfulness curriculum, as taught in many MBSR (mindfulness based stress reduction) classes based on the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn. It includes instruction in loving-kindness meditation, and also adds the more-than-mindful standpoint that elevates experience to another level. There’s expanded opportunity for direct experience, practice, and individual guidance, compared to the 4-week mini-course.

Minimum: 6 people
Fee: Sliding scale

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Steve DiamondNote from Steve:

My new mindfulness book, The Relaxation Solution, was published in June, 2022.

Click to visit my writer's site for more information.