Category Archives: Mindful Living

How Shame Freed Me from Suffering – New Article

The popular website, Tiny Buddha, just published an article of mine. It’s about how intense feelings of shame can dissolve into peace by means of mindful attention. It’s mostly about self-compassion and heart. I don’t emphasize the mindfulness aspect. But you’ll find it if you read closely. It’s a story about how I couldn’t stop obsessing…Continue Reading

Introducing Free Mindfulness Training

I’m happy to introduce my first free online training course, a five-part weekly email series called An Introduction to Mindfulness. In five easy lessons, you’ll learn the practical basics of mindfulness. You’ll begin practicing mindfulness meditation effectively within a few minutes after receiving the first lesson. There’s no cost and no obligation. You can unsubscribe…Continue Reading

What do we respond to?

Life is responsiveness, they say. To live is to respond. But what do we actually respond to? Sometimes it’s an awesome sunset, the caress of a loved one, an inspiring poem, or beautiful music. Those are peak moments of pure responsiveness. The Problem But for most of us, most of our waking hours, we primarily respond to our…Continue Reading

Steve DiamondNote from Steve:

My new mindfulness book, The Relaxation Solution, was published in June, 2022.

Click to visit my writer's site for more information.